Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats

I needed a quick 2nd bfast option for B man that fills him up and carries him over till lunch -- this did the trick and best part is I can prep it all on Sunday and then he has it for bfast all week :)
Raising Foxes - Makes 3 servings

1 1/2c oats
1 3/4 cup milk
3/4c greek yogurt
2T pure maple syrup
3T chia seeds
2 scoops vanilla protein powder
3/4c diced apples
2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Add oats, milk, yogurt, chia seeds, protein and syrup to container.  Combine ingredients.

Top with apple and cinnamon

Store in fridge overnight and consume within 5 days.

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