Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Pan Con Tomate

Went to the Way COOL Cooking School (in EP) last night and my manager is from Argentina - so he made up this yummy appetizer for our team, which was a "home town favorite".  (hence, the name in Spanish).  Our team is in all day regional meetings - so let's just say - we smell of GARLIC.  If you don't like garlic, you probably want to stay away :)  sooooo gooooooddddd.

French bread
Lots of garlic….
Roma tomatoes
Olive oil

Slice the bread into small pieces – toast for a few minutes.  Rub garlic cloves, tomatoes, olive oil onto each piece of bread.  Then top with slice of prosciutto – and place in oven to warm.

Yum, yum, and garlic in my tum J

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